Paris Danniel Model Size 2 Carrying Box (Set of 8)

Product Code : X110

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Product Features
  • Size : 45*33*29 CM
  • : 1.26 KG
  • : Optimum Ventilation
  • : Meets airline regulations
  • : High-quality plastic
  • : Highly sturdy
  • : Light weight
  • : Ergonomic handle design
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Paris Danniel Model Size 2 Carrying Box (Set of 8)

Size 45*33*29 CM
1.26 KG
Optimum Ventilation
Meets airline regulations
High-quality plastic
Highly sturdy
Light weight
Ergonomic handle design

Paris Danniel Model Size 2 Carrying Box (Set of 8)

Nowadays, a carrying box is one of the essential means for transporting a pet for any purpose. There are different types of boxes according to size and function. Which can be equipped with wheels in cases designed for medium-to-high size animals.

The Paris Daniel box is one of the best options that has attracted the attention of many owners of medium and small size dogs, cats, and other animals due to its elegant and beautiful design.

The Paris Daniel's carrying box is made of durable and high-quality plastic. Five latches and locks as well as two bolts and nuts have been installed on the sides to make the box as strong as possible.

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