SHINE-S Transparent Pet Carrier (Set of 4 pieces)

Product Code : LD25

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Product Features
  • Size : 46*81*46 cm
  • : Recommended max load of (5kg)
  • : Transparent Window
  • : Spacious
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SHINE-S Transparent Pet Carrier (Set of 4 pieces)

Size 46*81*46 cm
Recommended max load of (5kg)
Transparent Window

SHINE-S Transparent Pet Carrier (Set of 4 pieces)

The Shine-S Transparent Transparent Carrying Case is among the most popular and best-selling bags that Daniel produces. The SHINE-S Space Carrying Backpack allows the animal to see outdoors due to its transparent talcing, which reduces the pet's fear and stress in the enclosed space.

The SHINE-S backpack comes with insoles and has a weight tolerance of up to 5 kg and comes in a variety of colors.

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